I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but I've recently discovered some minor color differences with NG and YT when converting videos with both websites.
I first start with Swivel to convert the swf over to mp4. Then I upload the exact mp4 to both websites.
I printed the 3 comparisons (Original, Newgrounds, and Youtube) of 2 prominent color differences, while monitoring the Red, Green and Blue values.
Newgrounds converter seems to bump up all of the RGB colors by at least 5-10. The largest difference was a gap of 27 in the Green value of the orange color.
Youtube converter seems to be near dead on with all RGB values, varying from 0-2.
I'm sure there are some variables that I haven't accounted for. The quality of the stream might be responsible for changing the RGB values. The original was captured with the Windows Media Player. My player's codec could interpret the colors differently in the original video.
Has anyone discovered similar results? Is this old news since the video player has been incorporated for awhile? I post this here because YouTube couldn't give a fuck if anything was messed up, or out of place. They monitor my videos for copyright AFTER I have proven purchased licenses for music. So there's that too.
Wheel Meet Again in the NG portal.
It doesn't really look all taht different so does it matter?